
Sector Breakdown (%)1 as of Mar 31, 2024

General Obligations 17.07
Transportation 12.00
Hospital 9.08
Electric Utilities 8.71
Senior Living/Life Care 8.15
Industrial Development Revenue 8.08
Housing 7.60
Other Revenue 6.15
Education 6.02
Special Tax Revenue 4.54
Water and Sewer 4.36
Lease Revenue/Certificates of Participation 2.61
Bond Bank 1.23
Student Loan 0.93
U.S. Treasuries 0.89
Insured-Transportation 0.61
Insured-Electric Utilities 0.58
Insured-General Obligations 0.57
Insured-Special Tax Revenue 0.56
Escrowed/Prerefunded 0.26
Insured-Education 0.02
Cash 0.00