
Historical Returns (%) as of Mar 31, 2024

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance is for the stated time period only; due to market volatility, the Fund’s current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Returns are historical and are calculated by determining the percentage change in net asset value (NAV) with all distributions reinvested. Returns for other classes of shares offered by the Fund are different. Performance less than or equal to one year is cumulative. Performance prior to December 31, 2016 reflects the performance of the Fund’s former adviser, Calvert Investment Management, Inc. Total return prior to the commencement of the class reflects returns of another Fund class. Prior returns are adjusted to reflect applicable sales charge (but were not adjusted for other expenses). If adjusted for other expenses, returns would be lower. The share class has no sales charge.

Fund Facts as of Mar 31, 2024

Class R6 Inception 02/01/2022
Performance Inception 06/19/2015
Investment Objective Track performance of the Calvert US Large-Cap Value Responsible Index
Total Net Assets $1.9B
Minimum Investment $5000000
Expense Ratio (Gross)3 0.33%
Expense Ratio (Net)3,4 0.19%
CUSIP 131618464

Top 10 Holdings (%)5,6 as of Mar 31, 2024

JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.38
Bank of America Corp 2.09
Wells Fargo & Co 1.68
Walmart Inc 1.55
Verizon Communications Inc 1.45
Intel Corp 1.41
UnitedHealth Group Inc 1.37
Pfizer Inc 1.31
Uber Technologies Inc 1.27
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 1.15
Total 17.64

Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.


The value of investments held by the Fund may increase or decrease in response to economic, and financial events (whether real, expected or perceived) in the U.S. and global markets. The Fund's performance may not match or correlate to that of its Index, either on a daily or aggregate basis due to factors such as Fund expenses, imperfect correlation, rounding of share prices, changes to the composition of the Index, regulatory policies, high portfolio turnover and the use of leverage (if any). The Fund expects to hold the common stock of each company in the index it is designed to track, regardless of market conditions or individual investment performance, which could cause the Fund to underperform funds that employ an active strategy. The value of equity securities is sensitive to stock market volatility. Investing primarily in value stocks of large-cap companies may cause the Fund to underperform the overall stock market during periods in which such stocks are out of favor. Investing primarily in responsible investments carries the risk that, under certain market conditions, the Fund may underperform funds that do not utilize a responsible investment strategy. The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk when trading volume, lack of a market maker or trading partner, large position size, market conditions, or legal restrictions impair its ability to sell particular investments or to sell them at advantageous market prices. The impact of the coronavirus on global markets could last for an extended period and could adversely affect the Fund’s performance. No fund is a complete investment program and you may lose money investing in a fund. The Fund may engage in other investment practices that may involve additional risks and you should review the Fund prospectus for a complete description.


Historical Returns (%) as of Mar 31, 2024

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate so that shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance is for the stated time period only; due to market volatility, the Fund’s current performance may be lower or higher than quoted. Returns are historical and are calculated by determining the percentage change in net asset value (NAV) with all distributions reinvested. Returns for other classes of shares offered by the Fund are different. Performance less than or equal to one year is cumulative. Performance prior to December 31, 2016 reflects the performance of the Fund’s former adviser, Calvert Investment Management, Inc. Total return prior to the commencement of the class reflects returns of another Fund class. Prior returns are adjusted to reflect applicable sales charge (but were not adjusted for other expenses). If adjusted for other expenses, returns would be lower. The share class has no sales charge.

Calendar Year Returns (%)


Fund Facts

Class R6 Inception 02/01/2022
Performance Inception 06/19/2015
Expense Ratio (Gross)3 0.33%
Expense Ratio (Net)3,4 0.19%
Distribution Frequency Annually

NAV History

Date NAV NAV Change
Apr 17, 2024 $30.13 -$0.04
Apr 16, 2024 $30.17 -$0.18
Apr 15, 2024 $30.35 -$0.13
Apr 12, 2024 $30.48 -$0.51
Apr 11, 2024 $30.99 -$0.07
Apr 10, 2024 $31.06 -$0.51
Apr 09, 2024 $31.57 $0.03
Apr 08, 2024 $31.54 $0.04
Apr 05, 2024 $31.50 $0.19
Apr 04, 2024 $31.31 -$0.31

Distribution History8

Ex-Date Distribution Reinvest NAV
Dec 14, 2023 $0.63660 $29.45
Dec 15, 2022 $0.60740 $27.58
No records in this table indicates that there has not been a distribution greater than .0001 within the past 3 years.
Fund prospectus

Capital Gain History8

Ex-Date Short-Term Long-Term Reinvest NAV
No records in this table indicates that there has not been a capital gain greater than .0001 within the past 3 years.
Fund prospectus

Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.


The value of investments held by the Fund may increase or decrease in response to economic, and financial events (whether real, expected or perceived) in the U.S. and global markets. The Fund's performance may not match or correlate to that of its Index, either on a daily or aggregate basis due to factors such as Fund expenses, imperfect correlation, rounding of share prices, changes to the composition of the Index, regulatory policies, high portfolio turnover and the use of leverage (if any). The Fund expects to hold the common stock of each company in the index it is designed to track, regardless of market conditions or individual investment performance, which could cause the Fund to underperform funds that employ an active strategy. The value of equity securities is sensitive to stock market volatility. Investing primarily in value stocks of large-cap companies may cause the Fund to underperform the overall stock market during periods in which such stocks are out of favor. Investing primarily in responsible investments carries the risk that, under certain market conditions, the Fund may underperform funds that do not utilize a responsible investment strategy. The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk when trading volume, lack of a market maker or trading partner, large position size, market conditions, or legal restrictions impair its ability to sell particular investments or to sell them at advantageous market prices. The impact of the coronavirus on global markets could last for an extended period and could adversely affect the Fund’s performance. No fund is a complete investment program and you may lose money investing in a fund. The Fund may engage in other investment practices that may involve additional risks and you should review the Fund prospectus for a complete description.


Asset Mix (%)6 as of Mar 31, 2024

Portfolio Statistics as of Mar 31, 2024

Number of Holdings 516

GICS Sector Breakdown (%)6 as of Mar 31, 2024

Assets by Country (%)6 as of Mar 31, 2024

United States 99.30
United Kingdom 0.23
Sweden 0.13
Bermuda 0.08
Puerto Rico 0.07
Cash & Other Assets 0.19
Total 100.00

Fund Holdings (%)6,9 as of Feb 29, 2024

Holding % of Net Assets
JPMorgan Chase & Co 4.23%
Bank of America Corp 1.99%
Wells Fargo & Co 1.71%
Walmart Inc 1.56%
Verizon Communications Inc 1.43%
Intel Corp 1.40%
Uber Technologies Inc 1.40%
UnitedHealth Group Inc 1.39%
Pfizer Inc 1.27%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 1.12%
View All

Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.


The value of investments held by the Fund may increase or decrease in response to economic, and financial events (whether real, expected or perceived) in the U.S. and global markets. The Fund's performance may not match or correlate to that of its Index, either on a daily or aggregate basis due to factors such as Fund expenses, imperfect correlation, rounding of share prices, changes to the composition of the Index, regulatory policies, high portfolio turnover and the use of leverage (if any). The Fund expects to hold the common stock of each company in the index it is designed to track, regardless of market conditions or individual investment performance, which could cause the Fund to underperform funds that employ an active strategy. The value of equity securities is sensitive to stock market volatility. Investing primarily in value stocks of large-cap companies may cause the Fund to underperform the overall stock market during periods in which such stocks are out of favor. Investing primarily in responsible investments carries the risk that, under certain market conditions, the Fund may underperform funds that do not utilize a responsible investment strategy. The Fund is exposed to liquidity risk when trading volume, lack of a market maker or trading partner, large position size, market conditions, or legal restrictions impair its ability to sell particular investments or to sell them at advantageous market prices. The impact of the coronavirus on global markets could last for an extended period and could adversely affect the Fund’s performance. No fund is a complete investment program and you may lose money investing in a fund. The Fund may engage in other investment practices that may involve additional risks and you should review the Fund prospectus for a complete description.


Thomas C. Seto

Thomas C. Seto

Managing Director


Tom is a managing director and head of investment management at Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC. He leads Parametric's portfolio management and trading functions for the firm's equity strategies. He is also a vice president and portfolio manager for Calvert Research and Management. He joined Parametric in 1998.

Tom began his career in the investment management industry in 1991. Before joining Parametric, he served as the head of U.S. equity index investments at Barclays Global Investors.

Tom earned a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Washington and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

  • B.S. University of Washington
  • M.B.A Booth School of Business, University of Chicago

  • Managed Fund since 2016



Please see Important Fund Documents under Resources (above).