Solving Concentrated Stock Positions

Advanced Investing Spotlight

Many business owners, corporate executives and other investors have accumulated significant wealth by owning large concentrations of a single stock – wealth that needs strategic diversification.

Tap into our expertise. We offer advanced tools, insights and custom strategies to help you skillfully unwind, de-risk and manage your clients’ concentrated stock positions.

HNW Objectives

HNW Solutions Volatility Reduction Tax Efficiency Steady Income Long-term Growth Responsible Investing Appreciated/
Concentrated Stock
Parametric Custom Core®
Personalized, tax-managed equity index portfolios
Parametric Option Overlay Strategies
Seek to enhance returns on existing assets
Parametric TABS Managed Municipals
Pursue tax-exempt income and capital preservation
Parametric TABS Municipal Ladders
Seek to minimize interest-rate risk and provide tax-exempt income
Parametric Corporate Ladders
Pursue income and capital preservation
Calvert Research and Management
Research-based Responsible Investing

HNW Objectives

Charitable Giving Solutions with
the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust®
Volatility Reduction Tax Efficiency Steady Income Long-term Growth Responsible Investing Appreciated/
Concentrated Stock
U.S. Legacy Income Trusts®
Tax-advantaged income for life | Legacy of
charitable giving
Donor-Advised Funds
Immediate tax deduction. Flexible giving options.

HNW Objectives

Charitable Giving Solutions
with the U.S. Charitable Gift TrustTM

Interactive tools

Advisor resources

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The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust® (Gift Trust) is a tax-exempt public charity offering donor-advised funds. All activities of the Gift Trust and the U.S. Legacy Income Trusts (Legacy Income Trusts) and the participation of Donors and income beneficiaries in the Legacy Income Trusts are subject to the requirements of state and federal law, the terms and conditions of the applicable Declaration of Trust, the current information statement and/or gifting booklet and the completed forms submitted by each Donor. The Board of Directors of the Gift Trust (Board of Directors) reserves the right to modify the program of the Gift Trust and the Legacy Income Trusts at any time, subject to the provisions of the applicable Declaration of Trust and state and federal law. Any contribution to the Gift Trust or a Legacy Income Trust, once accepted by Eaton Vance Trust Company (Trustee), represents an irrevocable commitment. Contributions cannot be rescinded or changed, and are subject to the exclusive legal control of the Gift Trust, the Trustee and the Board of Directors. Donors to the Legacy Income Trusts should be motivated by charitable intent. As charitable giving vehicles, the Legacy Income Trusts should not be treated as, and are not designed to compete with, investments made for private gain. An intention to benefit the Gift Trust and one or more qualified charitable organizations eligible for support by the Gift Trust should be a significant part of the decision to contribute. The tax consequences of contributing to a Legacy Income Trust will vary based on individual circumstances. Prospective Donors should consult their own tax advisors. Distributions to income beneficiaries are not guaranteed by any party, and are subject to investment risk. In considering potential changes in annual distribution rates of the Legacy Income Trusts, the Trustee will assess their long-term earnings potential and seek to balance the interests of current and future income beneficiaries and the charitable remainder interests. Neither the Gift Trust nor the Legacy Income Trusts has been registered under federal securities laws, pursuant to available exemptions. Neither the Gift Trust nor the Legacy Income Trusts is guaranteed or insured by the United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities. Contributions are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and are not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, any depository institution.

Eaton Vance Distributors, Inc. is a paid solicitor of the Gift Trust and the Legacy Income Trusts, receiving compensation as described in the applicable information statement or gifting booklet.

This site and the materials herein are directed only to certain types of contributors and to persons in the United States where the Gift Trust and Legacy Income Trusts are authorized for distribution.

Advisory services offered by Eaton Vance Management, Parametric Portfolio Associates LLC & Calvert Research and Management, SEC registered investment advisers and affiliates of Eaton Vance.

Opinions and estimates offered constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice, as are statements of financial market trends, which are based on current market conditions. This information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument. The views and strategies described may not be suitable for all investors.

There generally is limited public information about municipal issuers. As interest rates rise, the value of certain income investments is likely to decline. Investments in debt instruments may be affected by changes in the creditworthiness of the issuer and are subject to the risk of non-payment of principal and interest. The value of income securities also may decline because of real or perceived concerns about the issuer's ability to make principal and interest payments. The value of equity securities is sensitive to stock market volatility. Investing primarily in responsible investments carries the risk that, under certain market conditions, a strategy may underperform others that do not utilize a responsible investment strategy. In evaluating a company, the Advisor is dependent upon information and data that may be incomplete, inaccurate or unavailable, which could cause the Advisor to incorrectly assess a company’s ESG performance. Option Strategy Risk - The effectiveness of an option strategy depends on a general imbalance of natural buyers over natural sellers of index options. This imbalance could decrease or be eliminated, which could have an adverse effect on a client portfolio. Taxes - Market conditions may limit the ability to generate tax losses or to generate dividend income taxed at favorable tax rates. The ability to utilize various tax-managed techniques may be curtailed or eliminated in the future by tax legislation or regulation. Investing entails risks, and there can be no assurance that Eaton Vance (and its affiliates) will achieve profits or avoid incurring losses. All investments are subject to potential loss of principal. Eaton Vance (and its affiliates) do not provide tax or legal advice. Prospective investors should consult with a tax or legal advisor before making any investment decision.

Investment Affiliates

Through five investment affiliates, we offer active, passive, rules-based and responsible investing strategies that go beyond traditional, mainstream products.

  • Eaton Vance Management
  • Parametric
  • Atlanta Capital
  • Hexavest
  • Calvert

Fundamental active managers

Fundamental active managers of equity, income, alternative and multi-asset strategies.

Investment science in action

Systematic investment strategies and custom portfolio solutions built on a foundation of investment science.

Specialists in high-quality investing

Actively managed high-quality U.S. stock and bond portfolios constructed using bottom-up fundamental analysis.

Top-down global equity managers

Global equity managers utilizing a contrarian, top-down approach.

A global leader in Responsible Investing

Global leader in responsibly invested equity, income, alternative and multi-asset strategies.

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